Multi-parameter X-ray computed tomography
Patent Number: US8121249
Executive Summary:
- Invention Type: Diagnostic and Device
- Patent Status: Active
- Patent Link:
- Research Institute: Virginia Tech
- Disease Focus: Cancer
- Basis of Invention: X-ray computed tomography
- How it works: Systems for x-ray imaging comprising: a) a first collimator-and-detector assembly having a first operable configuration to provide at least one first dataset comprising primary x-ray signals as a majority component of its data capable of being presented as a first image of an object subjected to x-ray imaging; b) a second collimator-and-detector assembly having a second operable configuration or wherein the first collimator-and-detector assembly is adjustable to a second configuration to provide at least one second dataset comprising primary and dark-field x-ray signals as a majority component of its data capable of being presented as a second image of the object; and c) a computer operably coupled with the collimator-and-detector assemblies comprising a computer readable medium embedded with processing means for combining the first dataset and the second dataset to extract the dark-field x-ray signals and produce a target image having higher contrast quality than the images based on the first or second dataset alone
- Lead Challenge Inventor: Ge Wang
- Inventors: Ge Wang, Wenxiang Cong
- Development Stage: Human data
- Novelty:
- Acquiring x-ray projection data multiple times with varying collimation is a key feature of obtaining high quality, high contrast images.
- Clinical Applications:
- Medical imaging
General Description:
This invention involves techniques for extraction of small-angle scattering signals for dark field tomography, while traditional attenuation-based tomography can also be simultaneously performed in cone-beam geometry. This allows for high quality, high contrast images using high-quality x-ray small-angle scattering signals, allowing a significant reduction of the x-ray dose.
- This scheme can acquire high-quality x-ray small-angle scattering signals, allowing a significant reduction of the x-ray dose
- Expensive piece of equipment to replace already existing equipment
Patent Status:
- Priority date: 2009-06-04
- Filing date: 2010-12-09
- Publication date: 2012-02-21
- Grant date: 2012-02-21
Inventor Bio: Ge Wang