Extended interior methods and systems for spectral, optical, and photoacoustic imaging
Patent Number: US8862206
Executive Summary:
General Description:
Included in embodiments of the invention is a system for image reconstruction comprising: multiple sources for emitting x-rays to pass through a region of interest (ROI) of an object at multiple orientations; a detector array for receiving overlapping x-ray projection data from the multiple sources; a processing module operably configured for: receiving the overlapping x-ray projection data; and reconstructing the ROI into an image by: determining a difference between data relating to a first actual image and data relating to a second expected image of higher resolution than the first image; iteratively updating the expected data and iteratively updating the corresponding difference between the actual and expected data; performing a Taylor series expansion to linearize the imaging system by omitting high order terms; and performing POCS-gradient algorithm on this linearly approximated system iteratively; and a processor for executing the processing module.
Patent Status:
Inventor Bio: Ge Wang
Executive Summary:
- Invention Type: Diagnostic and Device
- Patent Status: Active
- Patent Link: https://patents.google.com/patent/US8862206/
- Research Institute: Virginia Tech
- Disease Focus: Solid tumors
- Basis of Invention: Existing CT schemes take projection data from an x-ray source being scanned along a trajectory and reconstruct an image from these data that are essentially line integrals through an object. In real-world applications, however, higher temporal resolution has been constantly pursued, such as for dynamic medical CT, and micro- and nano-CT. The multi-source scanning mode is well known to improve temporal resolution, but the data acquisition and field of view are seriously restricted to avoid overlapped projections, such as in the case of the classic dynamic spatial reconstructor (DSA). Needed are methods of reconstructing an image using overlapped projection data, resulting in faster data acquisition without reducing image quality
- How it works: A computed tomography based imaging system comprising: at least one wide-beam gray-scale imaging chain capable of performing a global scan of an object and acquiring projection data relating to the object; at least one narrow-beam true-color imaging chain capable of performing a spectral interior scan of a region of interest (ROI) of and acquiring projection data relating to the object; a processing module operably configured for: receiving the projection data; reconstructing the ROI into an image by analyzing the data with a color interior tomography algorithm, aided by an individualized gray-scale reconstruction of an entire field of view (FOV), including the ROI; and a processor for executing the processing module
- Lead Challenge Inventor: Ge Wang
- Inventors: Ge Wang, Yong Xu, Alexander Cong, Haiou Shen, Wenxiang Cong, Lin Yang, Yang Lu
- Development Stage: Pre-clinical, human samples
- Novelty:
- Faster results without reducing image quality
General Description:
Included in embodiments of the invention is a system for image reconstruction comprising: multiple sources for emitting x-rays to pass through a region of interest (ROI) of an object at multiple orientations; a detector array for receiving overlapping x-ray projection data from the multiple sources; a processing module operably configured for: receiving the overlapping x-ray projection data; and reconstructing the ROI into an image by: determining a difference between data relating to a first actual image and data relating to a second expected image of higher resolution than the first image; iteratively updating the expected data and iteratively updating the corresponding difference between the actual and expected data; performing a Taylor series expansion to linearize the imaging system by omitting high order terms; and performing POCS-gradient algorithm on this linearly approximated system iteratively; and a processor for executing the processing module.
- The inventors provide various methods, systems, and devices in this application, which are helpful for addressing some of the issues of existing tomography-based techniques.
- Many CTs already in use
Patent Status:
- Priority date: 2009-11-12
- Filing date: 2011-11-17
- Publication date: 2014-10-14
- Grant date: 2014-10-14
Inventor Bio: Ge Wang