β2-glycoprotein I peptide inhibitors
Patent Number: US8895502
Executive Summary:
General Description:
As cancer progresses, there is an increased risk of tumor metastasis. During metastasis, the surrounding tissue can become hypoxic and prone to increased inflammation. Hypoxic conditions will lead to the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) to provide oxygen to the growing tumor. Administration of peptides derived from β2-glycoprotein may attenuate this angiogenesis and therefore tumor growth.
Patent Status:
Inventor Bio: Sherry Fleming
Executive Summary:
- Invention Type: Therapeutic
- Patent Status: Active
- Patent Link: https://patents.google.com/patent/US8895502/
- Research Institute: Kansas State University
- Disease Focus: Cancer
- Basis of Invention: Therapeutic peptide
- How it works: Ischemic events followed by reperfusion can induce significant tissue damage due to excessive inflammation. The serum protein β2-glycoprotein binds to the endothelium initiates a cascade of inflammatory molecules that ultimately result in damage. This invention covers the formulation and administration of a peptide derived from β2-glycoprotein to attenuate inflammation and injury by competition for epithelial binding
- Lead Challenge Inventor: Sherry Fleming
- Inventors: Sherry Fleming, John M. Tomich
- Development Stage: Pre-clinical (mouse data)
- Novelty:
- Therapeutic peptides derived from β2-glycoprotein
- Clinical Applications:
- Application of these therapeutic peptides for patients after reperfusion for ischemia can reduce tissue damage and inflammation
General Description:
As cancer progresses, there is an increased risk of tumor metastasis. During metastasis, the surrounding tissue can become hypoxic and prone to increased inflammation. Hypoxic conditions will lead to the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) to provide oxygen to the growing tumor. Administration of peptides derived from β2-glycoprotein may attenuate this angiogenesis and therefore tumor growth.
- First study to administer β2-glycoprotein-derived peptides, small enough for routine use and to be cost-effective
- Specific mechanism unknown
Patent Status:
- Priority date: 2009-09-15
- Filing date: 2012-11-08
- Publication date: 2014-10-14
- Grant date: 2014-10-14
Inventor Bio: Sherry Fleming